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17 Sep 2009
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Army Strong
As a mobilized soldier from the Individual Ready Reserve, I’ve read articles focused on the negativity of how our military services are straining under such long-term engagements. So it is refreshing to examine the underlying facts and composition of our current force. The fact is that only 1% of the US population is serving in the military, and only three out of 10 American males 17 to 24 years of age are qualified physically, mentally and morally to be soldiers. General Frederick Kroesen published an article a few months ago citing the specifics of our force makeup, which I’ll summarize as a select crowd of smart, fit and well-trained men and women.

You have heard that the US Army continues to meet and exceed its recruitment goals- only slightly attributable to the down economy, but more driven by the combination of effective results and continued strong patriotism of our citizens. I myself am constantly impressed with the letters we receive from school children, workplaces and church groups telling soldiers how valuable their contributions are! Our nation’s patriotism transcends individual emotions and various negative opinions on the legitimacy of specific conflicts.

Our military track record is good, and that helps: With successes in Bosnia, great results thus far in Iraq, and serious brainpower and resources being applied to Afghanistan, I think the US military is establishing a reputation that we’re not just in it for ourselves, but truly here to help other nations move away from violence and oppression.
Army Deployment , General
posted by  henry at  12:47 | trackbacks [0]