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30 Sep 2008
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News to Grandmother Ilse
With Lisa, I visited her grandmother Ilse today, in the Blacksburg Kroontjie care facility. She's wonderful, a German immagrant who gave birth to Lisa's mother in the middle of WWII. In a German brewery during a bombing raid, according to Lisa's mother. Wow.

Ilse has her good and bad days, and she was sharp today- she knew from the early morning that there were plans in the works, and she wanted to know what was up. So we sat with her and told her about the Army call-up, and how we'd like to stay in touch. The staff at Kroontji said we should tell Ilse about a week out, because we didn't want her to worry too long or be confused about when I was leaving.

The photo is me and Lisa visiting her on her birthday, last May, while she was recovering from a hip injury. Kroontjie is nicer than the room shown...but it helped that Lisa filled the room up with colorful balloons to celebrate the day!

Army Deployment , Family , General
posted by  henry at  20:39 | trackbacks [0]