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16 Dec 2008
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IRR Deployment Packing List
Because I couldn't find an IRR packing list when I was called to active duty, I gathered input from friends who have deployed and combined it with my own need for serious computational support.
The result is an Excel Spreadsheet of my inventory that might be useful to other deploying Individual Ready Reserve soldiers, or just the curious.
Special circumstances: note that the bags would be reprioritized if we were deploying in the warm/hot months, versus the current winter months. I needed all my layers with me, so that took extra space in the "A" bag.
Also, per our orders, we are allowed 3 checked bags, plus a carry-on. PLUS an additional checked bag if we have received the Rapid Fielding Initiative (RFI) equipment, which I have.
For us, though, we're only allowed ONE checked bag on the plane, plus a small carry-on. Why? We're an IBU--Itty Bitty Unit, and we'll be crammed in a plane with two other units. No empty seats. So we have to reduce our checked baggage. Furthermore, we'll step on a scale with everything for the plane, and we must be under 400 pounds. That means the "A" bag and carry-on better have almost everything needed for 2 weeks, while "B", "C", and "D" were palletized and shipped four days ago. I hope to see them again!
So you see, this list serves a dual purpose: telling others what to pack, as well as the inventory list when I have to file a lost baggage claim.

IRR Deployment from Ft Lewis Packing List in PDF
IRR Deployment from Ft Lewis Inventory in Excel
The 115lb "A" bag:

That's the problem with a software developer/manager: EVERYTHING IS "A" PRIORITY!!!
Army Deployment , General
posted by  henry at  20:54 | trackbacks [0]