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14 Jan 2009
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A Banner Year?
The Cub Scouts of Pack 145 made a very patriotic banner for me as I left Christiansburg. I've taken it upon myself to not only display it in my room or office everywhere I've been, but to also grab area-appropriate photos that show where the banner has traveled. I'm presenting the ones in Southwest Asia-- previous posts have shown Aberdeen Proving Grounds and Fort Lewis.

Pack 145 Banner in Camp Buehring, Kuwait
Here we are at Camp Buehring, Kuwait. Our first stop after we touched down in Kuwait City. I'm standing next to a custom-painted, but short, T-Wall. The 287th Sustainment Brigade left their mark here just 3 weeks before us, with an outline of Kansas and the 287th unit patch.
Camp Buehring was stark: right in the middle of the desert, without a plant of any sort to be seen. We were impressed with a PX the size of a small K-Mart, and various shops, to include a 24-hour Starbucks. OK- maybe Tallil will be even better, since it's got a bigger mission and more soldiers, right? right??

Cub Pack 145 Banner at Camp Adder, Tallil, Iraq
Next, I was in Tallil. Camp Adder, specifically. There were lots of well-adorned T-Walls, including this very patriotic tribute to the fallen soldiers from Camp Adder. A BIG salute to them and their families.
Camp Adder is where I had a CHU for a few days (see "What's up with CHU" last month), and also where the 287th is headquartered.
There was a PX that was about the size of a Dollar General Store. They had a few uniform items, and about 1/2 of the floorspace dedicated to food. As if anyone could go hungry in the Army! Seriously- the DFAC is FREE! But soldiers were buying the stuff. The one coffee shop was run by the chapel, and didn't fit the bill for the connisours in our group (I'm not a coffee drinker, at least not enough to care!). They even had the Camp Adder swimming pool (click to see it!) We enjoyed nice game rooms and various eating choices- including a grab-n-go cafe (breakfast & lunch to go, part of the military-provided meals). Not as nice as Buehring, but not too bad. At least there was Internet available (but slow)!

Cub Pack 145 Banner at Camp Bucca, Iraq
Camp Bucca is home to probably the largest detention facility in country. It was on the convoy route to Basra, so we spent the night there. It also happens to be the location my brother, Charles Bass, spent his tour in Iraq, caring for detainees' mental health. Here I'm outside the Camp Chapel, photographed by a chaplain's aid. Their PX was just a tad bigger than a Seven-Eleven. They have a nice outdoor stage, though, and several shops, including coffee, in an outdoor mall arrangement.

Basra was next, and my current destination. I haven't found a great place to take my banner photo, though. I can show you where it hangs in my office!

Basra is in transition, from British to US. To keep the analogy going, the PX is the size of, well, maybe the impulse rack in your grocery store check-out line! They've reduced stock on all things as the US PX is about to set up in the next few months.
Luckily, I was warned and I brought just about everything needed.
ACI , Army Deployment , Family , General
posted by  henry at  16:16 | trackbacks [0]