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15 Dec 2008
Christmas Party at ACI
Saturday was ACI's annual Christmas party. The first one I've missed. Lots of things I've missed for the first time: Halloween, Thanksgiving, and soon Christmas after 20 years of marriage and 12 years of operating ACI. On the other hand, ACI is doing VERY well without me, and our marriage is super-strong. I'm enjoying staying in touch with folks, and the opportunity to serve my country. So many Army buddies have already been deployed 3 or more times!

I do want to take this opportunity to praise my coworkers at ACI (that's everyone!) for doing great in both October and November. We have a monthly open-book financial review, and for the first time, we made a profit in the month of November. Normally, with vacation/holiday, November winds up with a small loss. Plus there's usually not a lot of MatWeb Advertising renewals because customers' budgetss are waiting for the new year. Dale and Laureen overcame those obstacles and continue to do great things. Zero3 supermarket refrigeration controls is on the verge of making some big steps, so the business is going great...wish you were here!, or I was there.
ACI , Army Deployment , General
posted by  henry at  00:04 | permalink | trackbacks [64382]